Aloe plant is an Ayurvedic medicinal plant known as Kumari/ Ghritkumari grown all across tropical, sub-tropical and arid climate. Semi-tropical climate in Indian continent is good for cultivation of Aloe plant especially drier part of India and also grown in African Madagascar Island.
Aloe plant is been used by our ancestors and healers/physicians from many centuries.
They understood and perceived its amazing benefits and healing properties. They pen-down about Aloe in many Ayurveda texts and books.
The main part of Aloe plant we use for medicine is the PULP. It contains Aloin, Barbaloin named crystalline Glucocide, Aloe-Emodin, Resin etc.
This pulp is known as Aloe Vera
Benefits of Aloe Vera-
- Skin Health
- Due to high content of water, you can apply fresh Aloe gel directly to your skin. It has soothing, cooling and moisturizing effect.
- It can be used to heal superficial or partial thickness burns
- It helps in treating sunburn
- It treats acne as well
- You might have observed or felt that skin care products which have Aloe Vera as one of the ingredient are less irritating to skin as compared to chemical rich products. Due to these cooling, moisturizing and soothing properties Aloe Vera is main ingredient in many skin care products like toners, moisturizers.
- Digestive Health
- Aloe Vera has a laxative property due to this it does wonder in improving digestive health especially irritable bowel syndrome and constipation but use it in small quantity otherwise it will worsen the problem.
- You can take the fresh Aloe Vera gel and consume it as juice around 5 ml twice a day
- Oral Health
- Aloe Vera has anti-bacterial & anti-fungal property due to this it improves oral hygiene and reduces plaque.
- You can opt for toothpastes which contains Aloe Vera.
- Healing properties
- Aloe Vera increases the blood flow to the affected area hence enhances the healing of wounds.
- Apply fresh Aloe Vera gel over affected area after cleaning your hands thoroughly.
- Antimicrobial properties
- It has antibacterial and antifungal properties hence used in many skin healing ointments.
- Always consult your physician before starting Aloe Vera gel orally or any Aloe Vera supplement
- Keep in mind to buy Aloe Vera product from a reputed pharma company only to ensure quality and safety.
- Avoid oral intake of Aloe Vera during Pregnancy and by breast feeding mothers.
- It should not be given to children below 12 years age.
- If you are regularly taking Aloe Vera gel internally and scheduled for any surgery, stop taking it 2 weeks prior to surgery.
- Do not apply on deep cuts or severe burns.
- Always do an allergy test (patch test on elbow skin) before applying on a larger skin surface